This book is the most up-to-date publication on fluorescence diagnostic (FDAP) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) methods used in dermatology Both techniques are presently world wide introduced as standards for tаэбыъhe delineation and the treatment of cutaneous precancerous stages and tumors, which show steadily increasing numbers due to eg more frequent sun exposure Summarizing experiences on more than 5000 treated patients, it offers a comprehensive information on every aspeблзыкct of skin tumor detection and treatment The main part of the book focuses on the clinical aspects giving detailed descriptions on skin tumor detection as well as photodynamic treatment of selected diseases (solar keratoses, basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, Bowen's disease, psoriasis lesions, etc) The clinically oriented chapters are supplemented by practical guidelines for PDT and FDAP The included atlas is comprised of 270 high quality color figures allowing dailбсееыy use as a handbook 1 edition Авторы Клеменс Фритч Clemens Fritsch Томас Ружичка Thomas Ruzicka.