Located in New York City since 1972, Peter LGluck and Partners is known for its integrity of design and sensitivity to the relationship between architectural form and context Rather than specializing in a paаэвиыrticular building type or specific architectural style, the firm provides appropriate responses to often difficult and conflicting requirements, and has designed buildings throughout the United States, ranging from houses, schools, religious buildings, and community ceблиецnters to hotels, corporate interiors, university buildings, and historic restorations Many of these projects have won national and international design awards and have been published in various architectural journals and books including Architectural Record, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Digest, House and Garden, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Global Architecture, A+U, World Residential Design, and L'architecture d'aujord'hui This extensive overview of the fiбсеинrm's practice includes architectural drawings, digital and physical models, and photographs of finished projects Формат: 18,5 см x 26 cм Иллюстрации Автор Peter L Gluck.